The Government of Sāmoa recognizes the central role of education and culture in its vision for the social and economic development of Sāmoa. The vision focuses on the achievement of:
“Improved Quality of Life for ALL”
The achievement of the vision relies on the effective implementation of priority strategies to achieve efficient and effective education services.
Achieving the national vision will also result in the attainment of Samoa’s MDG targets. H (SDS 2005- 2007, p.2)

In light of the Government’s vision, the Ministry has developed a vision that reflects all areas pertaining to its work:
“A quality holistic education system that recognizes and realizes the spiritual, cultural, Intellectual and physical potential of all participants, enabling them to make fulfilling life choices.”
To achieve the Government and Ministry’s vision, a mission statement has been adopted that illustrates the importance of education and culture to the individual, the nation and embraces the idea of personal development.
“Promote quality and sustainable development In all aspects of Education and Culture to provide choices for everyone”
The key values upon which the Ministry’s service delivery is based are as follows: