Primary Education

Primary Daily Schedule

  • Please use the Timeline Demo below as a guide for delivering home-based learning activities for your child or student.
  • This Timeline is recommended ONLY as a supplementary resource to the preparations each school has provided for their students.
  • This Timeline is an example of 1 day’s worth of learning activities designed for Year 1, Year and Year 3

Primary Curriculum

Samoan primary curriculum statements by subject.

Schools Wikipedia

Subjects of Everyday life, Arts, Geography, History, Business Studies, Science

Reference Tools

Easy English Basic Dictionary, Oxford Thesaurus, English synonyms and antonyms, etc

YEAR 1 – 3

8am – 9am

Make your bed.

Thoroughly wash your hands and get ready to have your breakfast.

8am – 9am

9am – 9:45am


Help the students through their online learning until they are confident to continue on their own

Click to view Mathematics curriculum

9am – 9:45am

9:45am – 10:15am

Short Break.

Have the students choose any fun games of their liking during the break.

9:45am – 10:15am

10:15am – 11:00am


Click to view Science curriculum

10:15am – 11:00am

11am – 12pm

Gagana Samoa: Fatuga

Faitau lelei ma faitau manino le fatuga “O ai au?” ma faaaoga faatinoga ua tapenaina e faalautele ai le mataupu.

Click to view Samoan curriculum

11am – 12pm

12pm – 12:30pm


  • Take a break. Have a snack and read a book.

12pm – 12:30pm

12:30pm – 2pm


Click to view English Curriculum

Even though there is no formal teaching of English in Year 1 children need to recognize letter shapes and letter sounds. For Year 2 parents or caretakers can point to any objects inside the house and name them for children to recognize. Year 3 children will have to follow instructions given and perform activities.

12:30pm – 2pm

2pm – 7pm

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Help out with family chores.
  • Make sure to wash your hands properly as advised by the Health Authorities.
  • Read a book.
  • Practice drawing and colouring.
  • Get ready for evening devotion.

2pm – 7pm

7pm – 8pm

Storytelling / Faagogo before a good night’s sleep.

7pm – 8pm

Primary Learning Schedules

YEAR 4 – 8

8am – 9am

Make your bed.

Thoroughly wash your hands and get ready to have your breakfast.

8am – 9am

9am – 9:45am


Depending on your students confidence and year level, one of the following are good for you.

9am – 9:45am

9:45am – 10:15am

Short Break.

Have the students choose any fun games of their liking during the break.

9:45am – 10:15am

10:15am – 11:00am


10:15am – 11:00am

11am – 12pm

Gagana Samoa: Fatuga

Faitau lelei ma faitau manino le fatuga “O ai au?” ma faaaoga faatinoga ua tapenaina e faalautele ai le mataupu.

11am – 12pm

12pm – 12:30pm


  • Take a break. Have a snack and read a book.

12pm – 12:30pm

12:30pm – 2pm


Even though there is no formal teaching of English in Year 1 children need to recognize letter shapes and letter sounds. For Year 2 parents or caretakers can point to any objects inside the house and name them for children to recognize. Year 3 children will have to follow instructions given and perform activities.

12:30pm – 2pm

2pm – 7pm

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Help out with family chores.
  • Make sure to wash your hands properly as advised by the Health Authorities.
  • Read a book.
  • Practice drawing and colouring.
  • Get ready for evening devotion.

2pm – 7pm

7pm – 8pm

Storytelling / Faagogo before a good night’s sleep.

7pm – 8pm