With the continuing SOE for COVID 19 in our country, the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture recognizes that support should still be provided to teachers to reinforce integrating literacy and numeracy in all subject areas and also emphasize the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) subjects.
The Ministry is conducting trainings of teachers in Literacy, Numeracy and the TVET areas (Health & PE, Visual Arts, FTT, Design Technology and basic computer training).
The objectives of the Primary training are to provide support to encourage teachers to use their knowledge, skills and competencies to enhance their teaching skills to improve student performance. The objectives of the Secondary training are to integrate gaps identified in the SSC and SSLC national assessments with hands-on projects for Design Tech, Cooking and Textiles. These training sessions will also encourage teachers to promote speaking and reading in the English language.
Schools and teachers selected for these cluster trainings are based on the school results from the SPELL (Samoa Primary Education Literacy Level), SPECA (Samoa Primary Education Certificate of Attainment), SSC (Samoa School Certificate) and SSLC (Samoa Secondary Leaving Certificate) national exams from the previous three years.
The training will be facilitated in clusters beginning with Upolu Primary Clusters from 1.00pm- 4.00pm starting this week (07/09 – 11/09). Savaii primary and secondary clusters will take place on the 14th to the 18th of September. (Attached schedule)
The training will be conducted by trainers from the NUS-TVET and MESC.